
PHP end of life: its impacts & ways to deal with it

Anything, good or bad, comes to an end. This reality is both reassuring and frightening, because we want the bad things to stop as soon as possible while the good things stay with us forever.The end, however, is unavoidable. It’s as unavoidable as you can get. No matter how much you despise it, the things […]

Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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REST vs. SOAP API – what are their differences?

Many business owners question themselves when it comes to choosing the API type: should I create my Web API with REST or SOAP? We have seen REST supremacy in the production of the API over the last decade, but SOAP still finds itself in unique industries. Following are what the key differences between them in […]

Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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Top PHP Development Tools for Developers in 2019

There are lots of PHP tools are available in the market both free and paid. It’s tricky Job to find the Best one. If you are new in PHP Programming, don’t panic you can easily start with a basic text editor like notepad or you can use PHP IDE such as NetBeans. It’s a Very […]

Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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