
Choose CodeIgniter for Your Next Web Project for These 6 Reasons

The entire phenomenon becomes difficult when you plan to build resourceful and flexible web applications for your company. To remain ahead of the competition, top application development firms use all of their tools and best frameworks. CodeIgniter is one such framework that can help the company reach new heights.

One of the most common PHP framework for web development is CodeIgniter. PHP is a popular programming language that has grown in popularity in recent years. According to an analysis, PHP is deployed on over two million web servers worldwide, with 378 million applications running on them.

Laravel, Symfony, CakePHP, Yii, and CodeIgniter are some of the frameworks that have been added to the programming world since PHP’s success. Each one of these frameworks has its own collection of features.

This blog will draw your attention to six compelling explanations for CodeIgniter’s enormous success. This framework is well-liked by both businesses and developers. However, before diving into the advantages of CodeIgniter, you must first understand what it is.

Why is Codeigniter a Perfect Choice for Developers?

Small in Size

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP application with a small footprint; in reality, it is only 2MB in size, including the user guide. Despite its limited scale, it is completely self-contained and independent of all other frameworks.Based on ‘Memory Use,’ CodeIgniter outperforms Laravel, according to a recent study published in The International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER).

Faster Execution Time

This is an important advantage in using this system. The execution time of CodeIgniter is outstanding. No other structure has yet been able to equal the speed of CodeIgniter in terms of implementation.

Easy to Learn

In comparison to all other PHP frameworks, learning CodeIgniter takes much less time. Furthermore, as the developer uses this framework, he or she will type less, which means there will be less errors and, as a result, less time spent debugging.


The security of your company’s website has a significant impact on its performance. CodeIgniter’s protection features assist developers in creating stable PHP applications. Remote code execution, cross-site scripting attacks, and SQL injection are all risks that it can easily deal with. Aside from that, CodeIgniter’s cookie decryption and encryption features help to speed up the operation.

Better Documentation

Documents created with CodeIgniter are at least ten times better than those created with other PHP frameworks. It includes a thorough and systematic documentation flow that helps users build better applications.

Smooth Integration with Database

By default, CodeIgniter supports databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL. It comes with its own ORM tool, despite the fact that it does not support third-party databases like MongoDB.

You can also Hire PHP Developer. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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