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Minimal design: The Evolving Web Designing trend

Crest Infotech Always gives you Something new and Latest. So, My Today’s Article on Minimal Design which is Evolving Web Designing Trend.

The minimal design or flat design is the most powerful techniques in the modern web design. It is one of those trends which is getting trendier and surely can’t be ignored and with this, you can’t ignore Crest Infotech.


Minimal or Minimalism design has its roots in print design. It is mainly inspired by the Swiss style of designing which they practiced in late 40’s and 50’s. They just used colors in a refined manner and font style used was also mainly Sans Serif or Helvetica. Inspired by this type of designing, emerged the concept of minimal designing. Though it had its origin in 20’s, it gained the limelight three decades later. This started with multinational giants like Apple and Google adopting it and then becoming popular among the rest of us. Ever since its beta offering in 1990, Google has given almost importance to simplicity in its interfaces.


As the name suggests Minimalism or Minimal Design is a technique of conveying more with minimum elements. You can call a design a minimal or flat design when it is subtle. That is devoid of stylized and glossy attributes. So, you remove all the effects of multiple and bright colors, fancy fonts style, and all other scream-out-loud effects and then what remains is your minimal design. But this needs to implemented correctly otherwise it turns out to be dull.

However, If it’s done properly, it can be beneficial. Minimal design can help in prioritizing the content. This technique can help the designers to focus their design to simplify user task. Additionally, it can also improve the loading time of website and Applications. It can provide better compatibility between different screen sizes.



Pros of Minimal Web Design:

  • Easy Navigation
  • Faster Loading Times
  • SEO Friendly
  • Fewer Problems
  • Style Forever
  • Easy Recall

Cons of Minimal Web Design:

  • Limited Communication
  • Too Blank
  • Lake of Creativity
  • Lake of Room for Growth


No one has a clear idea about Minimal Web Design concept. It’s always like “You will understand it once you implement it or learn it”.

Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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