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How Do You Evaluate the Performance of BI?

February 26, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Learn how the BI environment’s output can be handled to make more informed decisions based on real data.

Business intelligence, or BI, is used to measure how an organisation operates, allowing organisations the ability to make choices without relying on “good feelings” or “hunches.” BI software systems take clean data sets and analyse these data easily so that decisions can be taken effectively. Such programmes are a vital part of any organisation, but how do you decide whether the BI environment itself is successful?

Despite the fact that these environments can help speed up the decision-making process, organisations still rely on intuition and sometimes distrust the data provided by these platforms to make critical decisions. Although intuition can not be dismissed, it helps if these “gut feelings” are backed up by data and analysis. You need to run your company by the numbers, including your BI climate, channels, and applications.

Your main aim is to ensure that all of the relevant personnel have access to this information so that they can assist to the best of their abilities in the decision-making process. If your BI environment is not as productive as it could be, through the portal, less of your main employees can access the necessary information. The solution, then, is to find a way to assess your BI environments’ effectiveness. If you use a high-performing BI setting, how can you really know? It helps to consider the following data in order to determine efficiency:

  • If the reports and requests are generated by the end users of the platform or IT or not.
  • How long it takes the user to access the information that is important.
  • Whether or not all of the platform’s features are used, and if not, which ones are wasted?
  • Do there exist any trends concerning who uses BI? Evaluate all customers, agencies, or aspects that use this reporting in your business.
  • How long will the reports be read by any of your users? What do they do with them until they view the reports? Do they display them or upload them to Excel on the platform? If your environment is good, you’ll see proof that users do more than just display the data.
    In other words, what will force users to use the BI environment’s capabilities fully?

How long will the reports be read by any of your users? What are they doing with them until they view the reports? Are they viewing them or uploading them to Succeed on the platform? If your environment is good, you can see proof that users do more than just display the data.

  • Reports must be appropriate and assist in preparing the consumer to succeed.
  • The user should be able to access as easily as possible all relevant data relating to any problems that might arise.
  • To enable prompt resolution of any issues, data should be recovered quickly.
  • Data should be precise and clean.
  • Users must know how to use the BI platform entirely.
  • The other thing to concentrate on is to test the platform’s own usability:
  • The platform is overly technical or not, which may minimise usability.
  • How the environment is interactive and whether users can easily manipulate, display, and interpret the reports or not.
  • If users are assured that the information is protected or not.
  • How quick reports can be obtained by users. If it takes more than a couple of minutes, it’s way too long!
  • Will consumers, also on mobile devices, access data and reports whenever they need to?

It’s important to determine how powerful the platform is when it comes to business intelligence. It helps to take a step back to ensure that the BI environment does its job well, because your aim is to find one that is available, easy to use and effective. Note that, as part of their packages or as an add-on option, some BI vendors provide usage reporting. These reports can help to significantly speed up the assessment process of the BI platform.

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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



Single Sign-On (SSO) of Web browser

February 26, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Single Sign-On (SSO) helps users without re-entering credentials to access PaperCut NG/web MF’s interface. For example, on the PaperCut NG/MF login screen, you can give a logged-in Windows user direct access to the PaperCut NG/MF web interface without having to re-enter their username and password. SSO is also especially appealing to sites with an intranet portal, as it enables various IT systems to be incorporated seamlessly into the portal without the need for separate logins. Single Sign-On also goes hand in hand with technologies such as two-factor authentication used in high-security environments. Sign-on will require the display of an ID card or reading a card with two-factor authentication.

In certain instances, user passwords are controlled and not known to the user by the security system, making it difficult to log in using a conventional login screen. The SSO support from PaperCut NG/MF enables PaperCut NG/MF to exploit the two-factor protection already in place.

An advanced subject is Web Single Sign-on. For many pages, the regular web login built-in with PaperCut NG/MF is most fitting.

Two separate web SSO approaches are provided by PaperCut NG/MF:


A Stanford University developed and freely licenced web authentication framework. It is deployed as an Apache module and operates on the PaperCut NG/MF Application Server by intercepting requests.WebAuth is operating system neutral, but needs to be set up with professional experience. The WebAuth integration of PaperCut NG/MF is actually very generic and is also used at many customer sites for Shibboleth SSO integration.

Integrated Windows Authentication

For Windows domain environments where the same Windows domain and intranet zone are accessed by both PaperCut NG/MF Application Server and user computers. PaperCut NG/MF uses current Windows technologies via Integrated Windows Authentication to securely recognise Windows domain users as PaperCut NG/MF users.

  • Session Cookies
  • JavaScript

In the default browser configuration, these two choices are often allowed. Please note that cookies only need to be allowed at the (temporary) session level – these cookies do not live through the restart of the browser and cannot be used to monitor your past visits to different websites.

Emerging configurations

Mobile devices as access credentials

Using mobile devices as access credentials, a new variant of single sign-on authentication has been developed. By using authentication methods including OpenID Connect and SAML[22] in combination with the X.509 ITU-T cryptography certificate used to identify the mobile device to the access server, users’ mobile devices can be used to automatically log them into various systems, such as building-access-control systems and computer systems.

In comparison to a password that is “something you have” a mobile device is “something you know” or biometrics (fingerprint, retinal scan, facial recognition, etc.), which is “something you are” For the best defence, security experts suggest using at least two of these three factors (multi-factor authentication).

ou can also Hire Dedicated Developer and Hire Dedicated Designers. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Development and Designing services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



Rise of NodeJS

February 25, 2021By Rakshit Patel

what’s NodeJS?

NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside the window. NodeJS allows developers to use JavaScript to write command line tools and run server-side scripts to create dynamic web page content before the page is submitted to the user’s web browser for server-side scripting.

As a result, NodeJS is a “JavaScript everywhere” paradigm that unifies the development of web applications around a common programming language, rather than separate server- and client-side script languages.

In plain words, NodeJS shines through the use of push technology in real-time web applications over websockets. But what is so special about it?

It is unique because it has transformed an age-old standard based on a stateless web & request-response. With NodeJS, we have finally entered the world of real-time web applications with two-way connections, where both server and client can start communication by openly exchanging the data. This used to be completely different earlier, when only the client had permission to initiate the communication

NodeJS was first unveiled by Ryan Dahl at the annual European JSConf in 2009. NodeJS was initially funded by hosting solutions and cloud storage provider Joyent as an open-source project.This business has also invested in many innovations, such as the Ruby on Rails platform, and has also provided LinkedIn and Twitter with hosting services.

Moreover, LinkedIn also became the first company to use NodeJS technology for the backend development of its mobile application. Later on, many other companies like Netflix, Walmart, eBay, Uber, and many more adopted NodeJS.

Rise of NodeJS through stats

Not only is NodeJS’ rise an ordinary claim, it’s well backed up by the stats. The graph below shows NodeJS’ dominance in the IT world as of 2019.You should note that the chart above indicates and contrasts the growth and not the total number of workers.With the maximum number of work offers, Java also rules against it. The graph explicitly shows us that, relative to all other technologies, the growth rate of NodeJS is the highest. Now many of you would argue that for all the innovations in their initial years, this trend will be the same. So, how could this be a big deal? Well, you got the first stuff right that in the beginning, any new technology gets a boost.

In addition, there are plenty of creative startups that would consider having a go at a relatively new technology. The thing that makes NodeJS different from any other technology, though, is that many existing businesses have already implemented NodeJS. This phenomenon is quite rare and it’s what makes NodeJS different from all the other technologies.

How NodeJS architecture works?

Node JS is built on an architecture that is event-driven. The two characteristics that make the output of the Node notable are its non-blocking nature for each I/O, along with the fact that it is asynchronous.

These features also increase its scalability for the creation of large-scale enterprise web applications consisting of large volumes (input/output) of transaction activities. Node also scales mobile applications and games seamlessly, which requires real-time collaboration, in addition to business solutions.

Let’s take a restaurant’s example to grasp NodeJS’s non-blocking and asynchronous existence. There are several tables in a restaurant where individuals sit and order. The waiter writes it down after the order is put and tells the chef to prepare the order.

A waiter takes several orders at once while the first order is still being prepared by the chef. Here, the waiter does not have to wait until the chef finishes making the first order for other tables to be served. It is also very close to working with NodeJS. Like a waiter, the thread assigned to handle a request can handle several requests at a time. To understand synchronous and blocking existence, we can use the same restaurant example. In this, the waiter takes the order from one table and then waits until it is ready in the kitchen. The waiter could not take any other items during the preparation of the meal.

In such cases, for each submission, you’d need one thread. This means that you can run out of threads if the number of requests is enormous.

These situations illustrate the counter-productivity of the synchronous and blocking nature, as several threads are made inoperative, you will have to wait because of those additional requests. This is exactly how synchronous and blocking technologies such as and Ruby on Rails operate.

How NodeJS architecture works?

NodeJS is based on a V8 JavaScript engine from Chrome. It’s an asynchronous JavaScript runtime driven by events. Using the non-blocking/event-callback method, it provides a single-threaded event-io model that allows all activities that run in parallel to be coordinated.

Moreover, it doesn’t require a large memory footprint to support multiple connections. Application of NodeJS goes beyond than just web application development. It can be also used for:

  • Frontends
  • Backend and servers
  • API development
  • Microservices
  • Automation and scripting

You can also Hire NodeJS Developer. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about NodeJS Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



Mining the Manufacturer’s CRM

February 19, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Many businesses are disconnected from their end-users, but particularly manufacturers, because they sell through numerous third-party distributors and retailers. The dynamic nature of their supply chain prohibits them from engaging directly with their specific customers, making it more difficult to grasp precisely what their customers want and need, as well as how they behave.Consumer experience research for these businesses can look at different data feeds to provide a valuable image of customer patterns that may otherwise have been overlooked by the manufacturer.

Customer relationship analytics, also known as predictive CRM, makes sense of data producers gathering mounds from their data warehouse from CRM applications, databases, and transactions. Analytical tools for consumer interactions will provide consumers with a 360-degree view, helping suppliers understand what customers tell you, who they are, what they need, and most importantly, what they can do in the future. Instead of anecdotal evidence or “gut feel,” these systems make fact-based decisions based on hard data and data mining. The position of a highly sophisticated marketing department is taken up by customer relationship analytics. These tools classify the most important clients, group these clients on the basis of buying habits and other characteristics, and target them with promotions and promotional efforts aimed at increasing customer satisfaction and sales revenue. You can then concentrate sales and marketing strategies on the most profitable segments by knowing each customer’s relative value.

For example, the introduction of CRM analytics for a leading cell phone manufacturer lets them monitor previously unknown customers in the cell phone industry. The organisation only knows a fraction of one percent of the millions of consumers who have used its products worldwide without CRM analytics to help, as the data of most distribution partners only includes sales figures and regions. The producer needs to better consider not just their dealers, but who the repeat consumers are, the motives and purchasing habits of end-users. The organisation will create a data warehouse to collect data from its ERP framework, as well as sales data from partners, using CRM analytics. Since they are now able to monitor consumer transactions, the manufacturer may know that the company loses 12 percent of its subscribing customers each year because of its churn rate.

This means they spend more than $1 billion per year buying back the U.S. market alone, which is $1 billion from their profit margin.

A strong link between customer relationship analytics and company revenues is found in research by Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting). By improving its CRM capabilities with in-depth data mining, a typical $1 billion company could add $40 million in profit.

The business will concentrate on transforming into a more consumer-driven enterprise and growing its bottom line at the same time by collaborating proactively with partners on end-user research.

Businesses need to better consider their clients in today’s intensely competitive world, which ones are the most successful, and how to best keep those customers. While businesses invest millions of dollars in CRM systems, they only produce data and fail to tell the business what the data implies. Analytics of consumer relationships and data mining help manufacturers make better sense of customer needs, help businesses more intelligently handle these relationships and help forecast the future.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Data Centres

February 18, 2021By Rakshit Patel

In managed environments and under centralised management, data centres house essential computing resources that enable businesses to run around the clock or according to their business needs.

Practically, every company has one or more data centres. Using separate operating systems and hardware architectures, others have developed quickly to fit diverse enterprise application environments. Evolution has led to diverse and varying ecosystems that are costly to control and sustain.

The supporting network infrastructure might not have improved rapidly enough to be versatile in accommodating on-going redundancy, scalability, protection, and management requirements in addition to the application setting.

A network architecture of the Data Centre lacking in any of these areas risks being unable to maintain the planned service level agreements (SLAs). Data Centre downtime, failure of the infrastructure or inability to incorporate new services means that SLAs are not met, resulting in a lack of access to essential resources and a quantifiable effect on regular business operations. The effect may be as easy as increased reaction time or as significant as data loss.


The advantages of a data centre include conventional market-oriented objectives such as supporting business operations around the clock (resilience), minimising the overall operational costs and maintenance required to manage the business function (total cost of ownership), and rapid deployment of applications and consolidation of computing resources (flexibility).

A number of information technology (IT) initiatives are created by these business goals, including:

  • Continuance of business
  • Increased Data Centre security
  • Application, server, and Data Centre consolidation
  • Integration of client/server and multi-tier (n-tier) applications or web service-related applications
  • Consolidation for Storage

These IT policies are a combination of the need to resolve short-term issues and set a long-term strategic course, both of which involve an architectural strategy to prevent needless disruption if the network of data centres is not adequately scalable to accommodate potential changes.

The parameters for the design are:

  • Disposability
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Management ability

For these various functional areas of a Data Centre network, these architecture requirements are applied:

  • Infrastructure services: design of routing, switching, and server-farm
  • Load balancing, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) offloading, and caching of application services
  • Security services-Filtering and inspection of packets, detection of intrusions and intrusion prevention
  • SAN Architecture, Fibre Channel Switching, Backup, and Archival storage facilities
  • Business continuity: extension of SAN, collection of sites and interconnectivity with the Data Centre


Since data centres house essential computing infrastructure, businesses need to make special arrangements for both the equipment that houses the equipment and the workers needed for a 24-by-7 service.

A high concentration of server resources and network infrastructure is likely to sustain these facilities. Together with the business criticality of the applications, the demands posed by these tools generate the need to resolve the following areas:

  • Capacity to power
  • Power cooling
  • Cabling with
  • Controls temperature and humidity
  • Systems for Fire and Smoke
  • Physical security: access and surveillance systems limited
  • Room for racks and elevated floors

Roles of data centre in the service provider environment:

Unlike in corporate environments, data centres in service provider (SP) environments, referred to as Internet Data Centres (IDCs), are the source of revenue that funds collocated server farms for enterprise clients.

The SP Data Centre is a service-oriented environment designed to house, or host, the application environment of an enterprise customer under tightly managed uptime and availability SLAs. When the primary purpose for the Data Centre is to serve Internet-facing applications, companies often create IDCs.

The IDCs are segregated from the internal Data Centres of SP which support the environments of internal business applications.

Application environments adopt particular application architecture structures, such as the classic client/server or n-tier model, whether designed for internal face or collocated applications.

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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Why Retailers Should Care About Data Mining

February 12, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Retailers need to know what they can about their consumers in an increasingly competitive market space: who they are, what they buy what they buy, why do they buy? And retailers can answer all those questions and more thanks to the amount of data floating around about consumer shopping habits, given they have the technology needed to capture, organise, clean, and analyse that information. As part of a market intelligence programme, through data mining, retailers will get real answers to real questions in real-time.

As part of a market intelligence programme, through data mining, retailers will get real answers to real questions in real-time.

Conduct shopping cart analysis.

Shopping cart (or market basket) research is widely used by retailers to better understand buying habits for consumers. Data tracked with shopping cart analysis can be used to create more pointed behaviour aimed at cross-selling items often bought together, up-selling consumers at check-out, and matching products with higher profit margins alongside high-demand products.

To refine assortment preparation and verify promotions, companies can exploit the insights gained from a shopping cart study. For example, if an online retailer offers a free shipping deal, does that cause more activity than a coupon that is 10% off? Over time, retailers may use the data derived from the study of shopping carts to direct their marketing and sales practises to achieve the right customers with the right offers at the right times.

Learn who your best customers are.

For a retailer, nothing is more critical than really understanding their clients. And they will learn precisely who their best customers are with data mining tools, what drives them to shop, how often they purchase, how much they pay per order, and more. Retailers can effectively separate clients into high-spend, medium-spend and low-spend client groups with this form of market intelligence.

They will use the information to better understand their consumers’ purchasing habits, contact preferences, and merchandising preferences, and then group them according to these characteristics and concentrate on one segment at a time. In performance scorecards that concentrate on key metrics, BI reporting can easily organise customer data such as:

  • Lifetime revenue contribution
  • Discount impact
  • Net profitability
  • Customer performance by month
  • Channel profitability
  • Customer trends
  • RFM frequency

All this data, and more, tells you the true story of your customer base. You aren’t guessing at their buying behaviour–you can track and measure it.

Measure marketing campaign effectiveness.

Retailers must also ensure that their marketing campaigns reach the right customers with the right products that inspire action at the right time. They can track all their different marketing strategies or promotions with data mining capabilities, to see which ones have the greatest return. Retailers can, for example, use business intelligence tools to:

  • Track how much each promotion costs to prevent excess spending.
  • Track and track which consumers use delivery, discounts and BOGO promotions… and which channels (online, social, foot traffic) produce the most sales.
  • To assess which marketing strategies bring in higher-spending consumers, evaluate consumer profitability.
  • Consider how much sales rose during a promotional period

This knowledge can then be used to evaluate the frequency of marketing campaigns for a retailer, which type of campaign would be more successful, and to help better plan a strategy for a multi-channel campaign.

Retailers can increase profit and sales using data mining and market intelligence tools by understanding which consumers and goods actually drive their business.

You can also Hire Dedicated Developer and Hire Dedicated Designers. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Development and Designing services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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REST vs. SOAP API – what are their differences?

February 10, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Many business owners question themselves when it comes to choosing the API type: should I create my Web API with REST or SOAP? We have seen REST supremacy in the production of the API over the last decade, but SOAP still finds itself in unique industries. Following are what the key differences between them in this post.

Is it all about security?

Imagine having a great time in a restaurant enjoying your lunch and chatting with friends. But when it comes to paying, the most fascinating moment of our brief storey begins. Imagine that the message you want to share with your debit card is and hope that he won’t copy all the details from your card and steal your money—the that’s HTTP.You can give it to the waiter, you can let him go with your wallet, and you can hope that he won’t copy all your card data and steal your money, that’s the HTTP. You can even go or pay at your table with him to make sure he doesn’t see all the confidential data – that’s the HTTPS. And you have the third choice, you can go with the waiter and even stick a black card tape and cover all the data you don’t want anyone to see, and that’s WS-Security.

It does not sound obvious yet, but that the definition will crystallise throughout the entire post. The point was to show that message encoding has different methods, and that has a big effect on data protection. Some industries need to take extraordinary care of the safety of consumers, and that’s why they choose to choose additional security features. And that, of course, affects the selection of the unique API types

One of the key differences between REST and SOAP API is the approach to protection, particularly when we take a look at the use cases. This doesn’t mean, of course, that one solution is secure and the other is not. It’s more of an option between a safe one and a safer one. There’s a lot more to learn about these API forms.

What is REST API?

You’ve already come across this name several times, and, plausibly, this kind of API is a lot closer to you. And as REST API has dominated the market in recent years, it’s not shocking, and now we can claim that REST API is around 70 % of all APIs used on the web. But let’s try to find out exactly what REST API is and what caused its rising popularity.

REST stands for Representational State Transfer.

It’s an architectural pattern designed to take advantage it supports various XML, JSON, HTML or plain. Text data formats. And that’s one of the key explanations for its most popular use, as JSON is able to add further advantages to your project when implemented – it’s probably one of the best practises you can think while working with Maciej’s REST API. REST API is widely thought to be a modern solution, but in reality it is a common misconception, and its increasing popularity in recent years has probably helped to spread it. In 2000, REST was conceptualised, but it is only two years younger than SOAP! Although REST has been with us for almost 20 years, it is still not standardised, which may enable some business owners to opt for SOAP. To explain all of them will take a lot of time, but let’s concentrate on some that might be relevant when compared with SOAP. Statelessness is something we certainly need to point out here. When we speak about stateless communication, we mean that enough information is included in the message you send, so there is no need to bother the server with that information.

The REST API is lighter than SOAP, thanks to this approach, and works much quicker. Caching is another thing that helps prevent an extra load from the server and decreases the load time. It’s a way to boost the scalability and performance of the web and it’s very easy to incorporate with the REST API.

So, as you probably found out, the REST API was stated in HTTP and HTTPS cases in mentioned example at the beginning, so in the second example, your data is secure and this level of protection is appropriate for many companies and start-ups. But what if you wanted an extra way to safeguard confidential data? Good. Well. This is where the SOAP API is brought into action.

What is SOAP API?

From the very beginning, let’s start. SOAP stands for Simple Objects Access Protocol, so we can discern the first distinction between SOAP and REST even at this point. SOAP is a protocol, as the name clearly explains, whereas REST is an architectural pattern that works on protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS. SOAP is highly structured, unlike REST, which has a major impact on its data protection approach.

The possibility of introducing WS-Security in SOAP is still valued by many industries. Everything has its price, however. SOAP provides better protection, but that makes it a much heavier solution and affects efficiency. The fact that this type of API is stateful is also what slows down projects with SOAP API – unlike in the case of REST, in this case, the server retains all the information received from the client across different requests. But there is also the other side of the coin – this state-based approach is useful for flight or hotel booking systems that can display variable information based on the saved data in multiple steps. Offering a highly standardised solution, on the other hand, means a lack of flexibility in implementing the API, which can lengthen the entire process. The data format is another significant difference between the REST and SOAP APIs. Unlike REST, SOAP only supports XML, which is much more boring than JSON. Caching would also be more difficult to implement, as a dedicated cache module is required by SOAP.

REST vs. SOAP API – what should you choose?

You probably expect to get an answer if you’ve read the entire article (you requested an answer, to stick to the API terminology) – should you choose REST or SOAP API? we don’t want to let you down, but we can only give you one reaction – it depends – that everyone hates. It’s a tough decision to choose the right API and you first need to know the answer to some basic questions – what is the objective of your project, who is the user of your app, do you work with sensitive data, etc.? For some start-ups that need to enter the market quickly to attract the attention of investors, a quicker solution would be to decide on REST. Using SOAP implies spending more time studying API documentation in order to act according to the protocol. It provides better security solutions, on the other hand. Everything depends. But it depends on you, so prepare yourself and choose wisely for this decision.

You can also Hire Dedicated Developer and Hire Mobile Developer. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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React Native vs Kotlin Multiplatform. What will Multiplatform Development’s future look like?

February 09, 2021By Rakshit Patel

React Native has become a popular choice for the development of apps for Android and iOS over the past few years. Undoubtedly, the most tempting characteristic of this technology is the cross-platform code sharing promise. Although a very popular choice, React Native is not and has its limitations as a Holy Grail. There are businesses that have already decided to radically change their mobile technology stack and switch to platform-native development for their existing apps.

However, there is a new solution available that aims to enable scalable, multiplatform projects to be implemented and promises to eliminate problems with React Native. Not only iOS and Android, but also backend, web frontend, and desktop platforms can be targeted at the same time by Kotlin Multiplatform, allowing you to compile the shared codebase into platform-specific executable code without any bridges.

In order to find out which use cases are better suited for each of them, this article will compare and contrast the capabilities of the well-adopted and already mature React Native technology with the new experimental Kotlin language function called Kotlin Multiplatform.

React Native

A stable and popular framework created by Facebook, React Native is a popular choice for the development of mobile apps. It allows JavaScript to build mobile apps for Android and iOS. React Native allows us to compose UI components into JS code, which is then translated into components specific to the native platform. The big benefit of React Native is the large community and widespread adoption. There are plenty of available external libraries and custom, open source components. All this makes rapid prototyping and fast MVPs a convenient choice.

What is this JavaScript-powered framework’s main drawback? Probably JavaScript itself, whose limitations make it somewhat harder to scale and less flexible for React Native applications compared to other technologies.

Main features

  • UI code shared between iOS and Android
  • Powered by JavaScript
  • Live reload of the app’s UI


  • A large number of libraries which are open source
  • Wide group
  • UI code that is reusable
  • Doesn’t need a large development team
  • Nice for tiny MVP mobile projects


  • Low protection and memory management problems due to libraries based on JavaScript
  • Bridged contact between native platforms and JS
  • Issues with results
  • Restricted to Android and iOS

Kotlin Multiplatform

Since Kotlin began to be officially supported by Google as a language for Android app growth, it has been constantly growing. Due to its cleanness and pace of growth, Kotlin is becoming very popular among developers. In the Stack Overflow Developer Survey in 2018, it was also selected as the second most loved programming language. While currently the most common among Android developers is this new language itself, it can also be used on the backend and frontend sides. In addition, on iOS, MacOS, Linux, Windows, WebAssembly, and even embedded systems such as STM32, it can be compiled and executed natively.

Starting with Kotlin 1.2, an experimental language feature called Kotlin Multiplatform was published by JetBrains. It promises to write the business logic elements once and reuse them on all platforms, including JVM, Android, JavaScript, iOS, Linux, Windows, Mac and embedded systems. It can be compiled. The main benefit over other multiplatform solutions such as React Native is that Kotlin code, such as the UI layer or platform-specific code, can cooperate seamlessly with other native components. In addition, the logic can be shared with a backend or any other applications you may have.

Main features

  • Market logic code creation multiplatform
  • Android, JVM, native: iOS, Windows, Linux, embedded systems, and more – A wide range of compilation goals
  • Modern language – stable, concise syntax, powerful async framework for multiple platforms and more


  • Compilation of executable objects unique to native platforms
  • No bridges between native platforms and shared code
  • Best Results Possible
  • Code sharing between several platforms is possible: Android, JVM, Javascript, native (iOS, x86, STM32, and more)
  • Suitable not only for mobile applications, but for well-crafted, scalable projects


  • Still in a state of experimentation
  • Small number of libraries which are available
  • A larger team of developers usually needs to work together
  • Less sufficient for quick MVPs and prototypes

What’s the future going to look like?

In the mobile region, React Native is losing its supremacy, which is possibly caused by the latest release of Flutter – another Google multiplatform UI system. The future of both is still uncertain, but the buzz for Flutter seems to have already begun.

Then is there a place for Kotlin Multiplatform?

So it seems. It turns out that the incorporation into mobile apps along with Flutter might be a fantastic technology. That’s because Flutter enables the UI layer to be easily isolated from the business logic, and Kotlin Multiplatform offers an incredibly good way for multiple platforms to share business logic code.

A Google experimental project is also under progress – Hummingbird. It aims to allow the reuse not only on mobile platforms but also on the web frontend of Flutter UI code. And that’s the web frontend where the ability to be used is also open for Kotlin Multiplatform. About Google I/O 2019, the Flutter for Web beta is rumoured to be released.

Will we be able to create multiplatform applications at the same time for mobile and web platforms? It seems like such an option is going to be open. It will include the use of two languages – Kotlin and Dart – to build apps with Kotlin Multiplatform and Flutter. Both languages, however, are friendly from the developer’s viewpoint.

There is also a Google experimental project in progress – Hummingbird. It aims to allow reuse not only on mobile platforms but also on Flutter UI code’s web frontend. And that’s the web frontend for Kotlin Multiplatform where the ability to be used is also accessible. The Flutter for Web beta is rumoured to be written around Google I/O 2019.

Is this Respond Native’s end? Probably not. It will still be a great option for iOS and Android applications as a mature technology – particularly for rapid MVP creation and rapid prototyping. It seems, however, that it is going to be an exciting year and just around the corner is a new multiplatform development standard. Stay tuned and let’s see what it brings this year!

You can also Hire React Native Developer. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated React Native Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


e commerce Saas

SaaS vs Open Source eCommerce Platforms Comparison

February 08, 2021By Rakshit Patel

It’s not easy to select an eCommerce site for your online business. With an overwhelming number of platforms to choose from, design, accessibility, price, versatility and more must be compared by merchants. Some merchants may have creation and coding skills that they can exploit, while others want a minimally designed out-of-the-box platform.

This article focuses on two distinct software architectures, open source versus software as a service, though there are several ways to compare platforms (SaaS). These two common types of platforms place eCommerce software in two separate camps and decide how you communicate with your platform and fund it.

SaaS vs Open Source eCommerce Platforms Comparison

You will often come across open source or SaaS terminology when assessing platforms, and it is important to consider their differences. Functionality, payment terms, and more are decided by how your eCommerce software is designed.

What is a Forum for SaaS eCommerce?

Software as a Service is a licencing and distribution model for software under which software on a subscription basis is approved. SaaS software may also be referred to as web-based or hosted software because it is not downloaded or installed on individual devices, but is hosted by a third party in the cloud instead.

In other terms, the provider hosts and operates SaaS eCommerce sites and then licences them to be used by merchants. Users use web browsers to access these applications and pay a monthly subscription fee depending on the service level and number of users.

The primary benefit of SaaS eCommerce platforms is that the programme itself is not built on-site or managed by the customer. Instead, the programme is developed, hosted and managed on its own servers by your eCommerce provider. This implies, however, that users are limited in their ability to edit the source code of the programme or modify it.

Common examples of platforms for SaaS eCommerce include:

  • Shopify and Shopify Plus
  • BigCommerce
  • Volusion
  • Squarespace

Open source eCommerce sites are on the other side of the aisle. Open source software enables users to access, edit and share their source code for their own use. Open source software is therefore created freely and collaboratively in this way. In communities like GitHub, you can search and download open source applications.

Open source eCommerce sites are on the other side of the aisle. Open source software enables users to access, edit and share their source code for their own use. Open source software is therefore created freely and collaboratively in this way. In communities like GitHub, you can search and download open source applications.

Common examples of eCommerce software that is open source include:

  • Magento
  • WooCommerce – eCommerce plugin for WordPress
  • X-Cart
  • Prestashop
  • OpenCart

Comparing SaaS vs Open Source Platforms

Two radically different software styles are SaaS and open source platforms. The architecture of each platform drives your software experience and impacts how you run your company.

  • Go-to-Market Time
  • Ongoing maintenance
  • Security / PCI Compliance
  • Customization / Features
  • Integration / Flexibility
  • Total Cost of Ownership

It is relatively easy to install both open source and SaaS platforms. The architecture of an open source platform is free to install, and SaaS platforms such as Shopify usually have a free trial to get started.

Don’t be misled by the free price tag of open source for downloading, however. To get up and running, these platforms would have considerably more work and coding skills required. Hosting, security, and designing your theme will have to be achieved. Think about open source when you launch a site for eCommerce from scratch. As you get more control over the look and feel, over time, you will be forced to make more choices.

On the other side, SaaS systems are designed for out-of-the-box functionality. They usually have user-friendly UIs and pre-built themes to create the look of your shop (with little to minimal coding knowledge). Since they take care of security and hosting, you don’t have to think about setting it up. Realistically, in just a few days, you can have a minimalist store ready. Overall, if you want to get started quickly, a SaaS eCommerce platform would be your best bet.

Maintenance and Service continuous

SaaS eCommerce platforms need little effort for ongoing maintenance on the part of the retailer. The SaaS provider hosts, tracks, and updates their software on an ongoing basis because you are licencing the software. You have no liability for results, problems with the server, and more.This also implies that when something goes wrong, you have a supplier to call. Fixing machine failures or other software glitches is their responsibility.

On the other side, open source platforms placed the merchant or their developer agency under maintenance and support. You are responsible for all the platform technology and administration. Hosting must be set up and you must keep on top of software changes and updates. If something in your environment goes wrong, then you have to find the problem and repair it.

This complete control over efficiency, site pace, and how you develop your infrastructure could be desired by some merchants.

Security / PCI Compliance

The protection of your webstore and PCI enforcement is a subject of utmost importance. You must safeguard the data of your users, particularly their payment details, with hackers constantly searching for vulnerable sites.

Providers of SaaS applications will take care of protection for you and PCI enforcement. However, open source platforms leave that to their customers. You’ll have to ensure that you comply with PCI enforcement requirements and keep up-to-date with any security firewall updates or bug fixes.

Customization / Features

Your basic needs for eCommerce will be fulfilled by both SaaS and open source platforms. You will be able to personalise the style, product pages, check-out experience, email marketing, etc. of your store.

Instead, thinking about your particular needs and the ultimate customer experience that you want to build is crucial. Those more basic needs could determine which platform you want. As stated, since they leverage considerable out-of-the-box functionality, SaaS eCommerce platforms are simple and fast to set up. Then, to broaden features for cart abandonment, email marketing, loyalty services, and more, they deliver comprehensive app markets.

The capacity to customise features, themes and performance is where SaaS platforms will fall short for merchants. Entry to the source code will be limited, which restricts the ability to edit and modify it. If you don’t have an app or feature installed that you need yet, you may be out of luck.

However, open source frameworks are designed to handle customization and promote the adaptation and evolution of the platform by their developer groups. This implies that the sky is the limit to accessibility here.

Your developers need to know what they’re doing either way. You don’t want to create a “Frankenstein” site that over time becomes bulky and difficult to use. Just because you can create it doesn’t mean you should always construct it.

Merchants must choose between SaaS and open source offerings when assessing eCommerce platforms. One platform category may be better suited for you than the other, depending on your needs and budget.

You can also Hire Dedicated Designers. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Designing services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


sdlc banner

What does SDLC mean? Understand the Life Cycle of Software development

February 04, 2021By Rakshit Patel

The Life Cycle of Software Development (SDLC) refers to a methodology with clearly defined processes for high-quality software creation. The SDLC methodology concentrates in detail on the following stages of software development:

  • Analysis of requirements
  • Planning
  • Design of software, such as architectural design
  • Developing software
  • Testing
  • The Deployment

What is the life cycle for software development?

SDLC, or the Life Cycle of Software Development, is a process that produces the highest quality and lowest cost software in the shortest time possible. SDLC offers a well-structured phase flow that allows an organisation to produce high-quality software that is well-tested and ready for production use quickly.

As explained in the introduction, the SDLC includes six stages. The waterfall model, spiral model, and Agile model include popular SDLC models. So how is the Life Cycle of Software Development working? As explained in the introduction, the SDLC includes six stages. The waterfall model, spiral model, and agile model include popular SDLC models.

So how is the Life Cycle of Software Development working?

How the SDLC functions

SDLC operates by reducing software development costs while improving quality and shortening output time simultaneously. By pursuing a strategy that avoids the usual drawbacks of software development programmes, SDLC achieves these seemingly divergent objectives. This plan starts with the assessment of existing systems for shortcomings.

Next, it determines the new system’s specifications. Through the stages of research, preparation, design, creation, testing, and implementation, it then creates the programme. SLDC can eliminate redundant rework and after-the-fact fixes by anticipating costly errors such as failing to ask the end-user or client for feedback.

It’s also important to know that the testing phase has a strong focus. Since the SDLC is a repetitive methodology, at every cycle you must ensure code quality. Many organizations tend to spend little effort on testing, while a greater focus on testing can save them a lot of work, time, and money. Be clever and write the right kinds of tests

Next, let’s explore the different stages of the Software Development Life Cycle

Good Practices and Phases

Following SDLC’s best practises and/or phases ensures that the process operates smoothly, reliably and productively.

  • Identify the existing problems

What are the issues at present? “This phase of the SDLC means that all stakeholders, including customers, salespeople, industry experts, and programmers, receive input. With enhancement as the target, discover the strengths and limitations of the new system.

  • The plan

“What are we going to want? The team defines the costs and resources needed for the implementation of the evaluated specifications in this stage of the SDLC. It also outlines the risks involved and proposes sub-plans to minimise those risks.In other words, with the lowest risk in mind, the team can assess the project’s viability and how they can effectively execute the project.

  • Design

“What are we going to want? The team defines the costs and resources needed for the implementation of the evaluated specifications in this stage of the SDLC. It also outlines the risks involved and proposes sub-plans to minimise those risks.In other words, with the lowest risk in mind, the team can assess the project’s viability and how they can effectively execute the project. Failure at this point would almost inevitably lead to cost overruns at best and the project’s complete failure at worst.

  • Build Up

“What we want, let’s create. “The actual creation begins at this point. It’s important to stick to the accepted blueprint for any developer. Also, make sure you have proper rules about the style and procedures of the code in place.

  • Test Code

Have we gotten what we want? “We test for defects and deficiencies at this point. We fix those problems until the original requirements are met by the product. In short, we want to verify whether the code meets the requirements specified.

  • Deployment Of Applications

“Let’s begin to use what we have. “The purpose at this point is to deploy the programme in the production environment in order to enable consumers to start using the product. Many companies, however, prefer to move the product across various environments of implementation, such as a testing or staging area. This enables every stakeholder to play with the item safely before releasing it to the market. Besides, before releasing the product, this allows any final errors to be caught.

The SDLC Benefits

SDLC performed correctly will allow for the highest degree of monitoring and reporting of management. Developers understand what and why they need to construct. All parties agree on the target in advance and see a specific strategy for achieving the goal. The costs and services needed are known by all.

A SDLC implementation can transform some pitfalls into more of a roadblock to progress than an instrument that helps us. Failure to take the interests of clients and other users and stakeholders into account will lead to a weak understanding of the specifications of the system at the outset. SDLC’s advantages only occur if the strategy is implemented faithfully.

You can also Hire Dedicated Developer and Hire Dedicated Designers. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Development and Designing services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.