PHP Development

Serverless Architecture: Transforming Web Development in 2024

As we venture further into 2024, serverless architecture is emerging as a game-changer in the realm of web development. By eliminating the need for developers to manage server infrastructure, this approach offers unprecedented flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

July 22, 2024By Rakshit Patel

The Future of Web Development: Emerging Technologies and Practices

Web development is a dynamic field that continuously evolves with advancements in technology and changing user expectations. As we look to the future, several emerging technologies and practices are set to transform the way we build and interact with websites.

June 21, 2024By Rakshit Patel

10 Essential Web Development Trends to Watch in 2024

As we step into 2024, the landscape of web development continues to evolve at a rapid pace. New technologies, design philosophies, and user expectations are shaping the future of the web.

June 19, 2024By Rakshit Patel

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MEAN Stack Development for your next project? (Part II)

What distinguishes MEAN Stack Development from other types of development? The following are the main characteristics of MEAN Stack Development: Speedy and straightforward The development of apps/websites that run on a single language, such as JavaScript, is considerably easier and faster. Active Dev Community MEAN Stack is based on JavaScript, the most widely used programming […]

July 02, 2021By Rakshit Patel


Choose CodeIgniter for Your Next Web Project for These 6 Reasons

The entire phenomenon becomes difficult when you plan to build resourceful and flexible web applications for your company. To remain ahead of the competition, top application development firms use all of their tools and best frameworks. CodeIgniter is one such framework that can help the company reach new heights. One of the most common PHP framework for […]

June 12, 2021By Rakshit Patel

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Any programmer should try these 7 best code editors.

Codes are the foundation of web creation that is highly interactive, engaging, and sensitive. These website and app cells are written in code editors. Code editors are where programmers spend much of their working hours and are an important part of the web development process. With so many code editors on the market these days, […]

June 12, 2021By Rakshit Patel

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7 Reasons to Hire PHP developer for your project

PHP is one of the most commonly used server-side languages today, and it is one of the most common programming languages we use. PHP is an application, database, and server software package used to construct a website’s back-end infrastructure. It is one-fourth of the LAMP software stack. Its ease of use has made it a […]

June 10, 2021By Rakshit Patel

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CakePHP Framework: Top 10 Reasons to Use It

CakePHP is a PHP platform that is one of the best. It’s a free, open-source framework released under the MIT license. One of the best features of the CakePHP platform is that it can be easily customized to meet the needs of developers. It’s a popular option for Web Development and Mobile App Development . […]

June 10, 2021By Rakshit Patel


Laravel 8 New Features:

Laravel’s ingenious framework has long served as a source of inspiration for programmers. The features of this incredible platform have only improved over time, making it easier to create personalized applications. There’s no denying that Laravel 8 includes a slew of much-anticipated features. The platform has added some noticeable features that can prove to be […]

June 08, 2021By Rakshit Patel


PHP end of life: its impacts & ways to deal with it

Anything, good or bad, comes to an end. This reality is both reassuring and frightening, because we want the bad things to stop as soon as possible while the good things stay with us forever.The end, however, is unavoidable. It’s as unavoidable as you can get. No matter how much you despise it, the things […]

June 03, 2021By Rakshit Patel