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Top 5 best NodeJS use cases

iot smart device banner

11 IoT Securities You Must Have for Your Smart Devices

OT Securities You Must Have Make sure your system is built to be secure. Make sure it is safe by design prior to buying an IoT system or solution. If the supplier is unable to provide the necessary information, reconsider opting for a specific product or solution. You can also ensure that the manufacturer provides […]

April 09, 2021By Rakshit Patel

client server

Server-Side vs Client-Side Rendering and Changing SEO Practices

It often seems like patterns in Web creation overturn conventional wisdom every six weeks. Only a few things have remained constant throughout, and one of them is that good websites need to show up well in search results. Search engines are the Web’s front pages, and their goal has always been to list high-quality websites […]

April 07, 2021By Rakshit Patel

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Remote work in the IT industry: facts, advantages, and methodologies

The COVID-19 pandemic was such an outright tragedy that seeking some silver linings is very hard. But if we have to, then the development of the IT industry’s remote working community can be seen as the greatest unseen gain of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic forced all IT businesses in the world to resort […]

April 02, 2021By Rakshit Patel

js popular banner

Why is JavaScript so popular and its role in the creation of modern apps?

Origin of JavaScript It all began in 1995 with the birth of JavaScript in the Netscape offices. The web was fully-static and driven by simple CSS back then. That brought dynamism to JS and HTML. The initial goal of the new programming language was to make the web a fully-blown app platform, which means that […]

April 01, 2021By Rakshit Patel

machine learning banner

Benefits of Machine Learning for analytics of big data

Machine learning is an advanced analysis of data that allows the creation of automated analytical models. Algorithms of machine learning continually analyse and maintain ‘learning’ from available data. It’s more about empowering and giving a goal to a system with some tools. In order to meet the final goal, this machine now goes through a […]

March 30, 2021By Rakshit Patel


What Is the Difference Between Troubleshooting and Debugging, and What Are the Best Practices?

Jargon and words abound among computer programmers. These terms have been studied by professional programmers. Beginner programmers are often irritated and perplexed. In the programming world, it’s akin to a rite of passage. It distinguishes between the wheat and the chaff. Troubleshooting and debugging are two terms that programmers must consider and separate. You must […]

March 26, 2021By Rakshit Patel

industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 Revolutionizes Wireless Networking

In recent years, few production developments have been as buzzworthy or as promising as Industry 4.0.0. This industrial revolution, powered by data, promises to make factories a safer and more productive environment, but today’s technology does not see it through. Although connected factories are currently a major improvement, to truly experience Industry 4.0, manufacturing requires […]

March 25, 2021By Rakshit Patel


Big Data vs. Business Intelligence

It can be a minefield to deal with big data! The volume of data generated on a daily basis is rising exponentially and the preservation and security of this information is of utmost importance as our customers are only too aware. As more businesses find themselves accruing large quantities of data, it is something that […]

March 24, 2021By Rakshit Patel

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Artificial Neural Networks in Machine Learning: Computer Vision & Neural Network

It can be a minefield to deal with big data! The volume of data generated on a daily basis is rising exponentially and the preservation and security of this information is of utmost importance as our customers are only too aware. As more businesses find themselves accruing large quantities of data, it is something that […]

March 23, 2021By Rakshit Patel

datalack datawarehouse banner

Big Data: Data Lake vs Data Warehouse

It can be a minefield to deal with big data! The volume of data generated on a daily basis is rising exponentially and the preservation and security of this information is of utmost importance as our customers are only too aware. As more businesses find themselves accruing large quantities of data, it is something that […]

March 22, 2021By Rakshit Patel